Frequently Asked Questions
Gear Repair
How do I get my gear repaired?
If you know what your gear needs, simply add that service or those services to your cart. If you do not know what your gear needs, we recommend a Pressure Test for Dry Suits and Dry Tops and a Diagnostic for Spray Skirts.
For full details, go to The Process
How long do repairs take?
We do our best to service your gear quickly, however, involved repairs can take time. During peak times, it can take up to six weeks from the date we receive the item for the repair to be completed.
Should I clean my gear before sending it in?
YES! All items need to be sent in clean condition. Our repair technicians spend long periods of time handling your gear inside and out. Please note: Sending in unclean garments for repair can delay the process and result in an additional repair fee.
Does my pro deal work for repair services?
Your pro deal does not apply to repair services.
If you have IR gear, you will receive a 15% discount at checkout.
Warranty Questions
One Year, Free Repair
Provide your name, email, and order number in the Support Chat. We will verify your purchase date and provide you a checkout discount code.
I think my gear is under warranty.
If you have any questions about warranty, contact us.